Understanding the Template Structure
The UIFort Admin Dashboard Template is crafted with React, offering a streamlined experience whether you choose the Next.js or Vite frameworks. This section outlines the documentation for the Next.js version, which is analogous to the React + Vite setup. The same principles apply to the JavaScript variant of UIFort, with a consistent folder structure across versions.
In your journey with UIFort, whether starting new projects or integrating our components into existing workflows, you'll encounter several key directories:
Components Directory
Located within /src/components/, this directory houses all the visual elements of the template, including layout components. These components are integral to the functionality throughout the template.
application-ui: A collection of ready-to-use visual components available for application development.
base: Common foundational components used across various areas of the application, such as notifications and scrollbars.
base/styles: Shared MUI styles for components that require consistent styling throughout the application.
Other /src/ Directories
Based on your needs you could remove some of these folders if you're not planning to use those functionalities.
contexts: React context providers for managing state and passing data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.
hooks: Custom React hooks that encapsulate common functionality for reuse in multiple components, ensuring a DRY codebase.
i18n: Internationalization utilities to help you localize your dashboard for various languages and regions.
layouts: Pre-defined page layouts that dictate how components are organized and displayed in different sections of your dashboard.
mocks: Mock data structures and APIs that simulate backend services for development and testing purposes.
models: TypeScript interfaces and types that define the shape of data used within the application.
pages: React components that correspond to routes in the application, acting as the entry points for different views.
router: The configuration for route management, defining the navigation structure of the dashboard.
slices: Redux Toolkit slices for state management, encapsulating reducers and actions for specific modules within the application.
store: The Redux store configuration, where the application's global state is maintained.
theme: Theme configuration files that allow for a consistent look and feel across the dashboard, customizable to your branding needs.
utils: Utility functions and helpers that provide common, reusable logic throughout the application.