Gauge Indicators

Explore gauge indicators for a visually compelling representation of data in a circular or semiCircular format.

Gauge Indicators - Circular Progress Cards

Gauge indicators designed as cards, featuring circular progress indicators.

Gauge Indicators - Circular Progress Extended

Extended version of circular progress indicators, offering detailed information.

Gauge Indicators - Conversions Gauge

A gauge specifically designed to track and display conversion metrics.

Gauge Indicators - Expanded Status Display

Expanded gauge indicators for a comprehensive status display.

Gauge Indicators - Gauge Indicators

Standard gauge indicators for representing various metrics and progress.

Gauge Indicators - Monthly Goals

Gauges tailored to track and display progress towards monthly goals.

Gauge Indicators - Premium Sellers

Indicators designed to highlight the performance of premium sellers or products.

Gauge Indicators - Progress Stats

Progress statistics visualized through intuitive gauge indicators.

Gauge Indicators - Progress Stats Accent Border

Progress stats with an added accent border for emphasis.

Gauge Indicators - Recent Customers

Gauges designed to provide insights into recent customer activities or numbers.

Gauge Indicators - Server Status

Indicators focused on displaying server status and performance metrics.